Game Night – March 5, 2010

It’s been a couple of weeks since we played clix, so I’m anxious to get together for some miniature superhero mayhem!

Game 1:  JLA / Avengers

600 point build total

Players will split up into two even teams.  One team will consist of Avengers characters and the other will be the JLA.  Figures must have either the JLA / Avengers Team Ability or Keyword.

Game 2:  For Asgard!

400 Point Open Build.  We’ll throw in the Mjolnir 3D object and see who can wield it and kick some ass!

If there’s time and interest for a 3rd game, we’ll do a 1000 point game.  Feel free to build a new team or combine figures from the first two teams.  I have a new custom that I’d like to field and it’s 1000 points.  I think you guys will dig it.

Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn Duo Fig Preview

Found this floating around on HCRealms.  Thought it could bear a repost here.

It looks kind of like a Gotham City strip club scene doesn’t it?  Batman’s either the owner or a bouncer of the joint, keeping out all the underage Teen Titans while Martin Manhunter is enjoying the floor show.

Game Night Tomorrow. Same Bat-Time, Different Bat-Cave

Game night tomorrow at my place.

Per Mattimus, the game specs are:

Game 1: Darkest Night

700 points, every team must have at least two lanterns from any lantern corps on their team, figs with the sinestro corp as a keyword are welcomed,  and they will have the transporter ability since they do not have a team ability (We can change this if you want).

Ganthet is also usable for the game.  (Editor’s note: why wouldn’t he be???)

Game 2 is Open Build 500 points.

It looks like there will be 4 of us playing – Mattimus, Wes Sayid, Beaucifer and me. 

Bring your game faces, your geek shirts and your own booze.  (I don’t have much, or else I’d offer to share.)


Oh, and just for fun:

Ah, those comedians on HCRealms

I love reading through the conversation threads on HCRealms (I try to visit at least once a day).  I don’t post many comments (some might call this “trolling”, which seems so negative), I just rarely have anything to say that hasn’t been said already by someone else.

There are some funny clix players who post there though.

wickedjohn posted the following under the thread topic “line-of-fire device”:

“I have made a simple device to determine line of fire. I know most people just use a string or something but if you don’t have it centered properly in the squares it’s possible to get an innacurate reading. I cut 2 pieces of cardboard into squares the same size as the ones on the maps. Then I located the center of each and made a small hole through which I placed a string. On one square I taped the string so it wouldn’t move, the other I left it to move freely. It’s good to have the string a little longer than you need (never know when they might make a fig with a 20 shooting range).
To use, just place one square in the shooting figs square and the other in the targets (or vice versa) and pull the string taut. Voila! True center to center line of fire.”

To which songwriterz responded:

“Wow. That’s much easier than my method. I load the position of each figure into a Garmin GPS into which I’ve incorporated a piece of military software I downloaded off the web called: “Canishootthesumbeechfromhere?”

Yeah, string is gonna be alot easier…and stop all those calls from the government.”

It sounds just like something Akanthos would say!

Welcome to Mayhem City

Check it out fellow Clixers:  this is how Heroclix should be played.  When will WizKids start producing official 3D Map Terrain?  I’m tired of playing a 3D game on a 2D map.  Let’s get the scientists working on the 3D map technology immediately.  Chop chop!

Terrain for the map above, as well as others, can be found at WorldWorks Games: